Teachers need the Alert Program® to…
- spend less time managing “behaviors,”
- gain time for teaching academic content, and
- support students’ ability to attend, focus, and learn easily.
We help you…
Engage with your students.
Wouldn’t it be nice to spend less time managing your classroom and more time on teaching? Whether you are educating preschoolers, elementary students, or middle/high schoolers, the Alert Program® makes your teaching easier!
We’ve done the work for you. Our classroom-ready program provides a step-by-step approach with songs, games, and books to help you incorporate self-regulation strategies into your lesson plans.
Bring teaching to the forefront of your classroom again.
Learn about this evidence-based program and find out how you can incorporate the Alert Program® into your classroom, school, or district.
You might want to start by taking Your Best Self Online Course. It’s six hours of engaging videos in short, 2-10 minute segments created for those with busy schedules — developed so you can watch or listen almost anywhere and almost at any time (while exercising, commuting to work, or doing tasks around the house, etc.).

Challenges you see…
- poor attention span,
- easily distractible,
- rarely focused,
- can’t complete tasks,
- high or low activity level.

Alert Program® is for...
- autism, ADD, and FASD,
- other learning challenges,
- home schooling,
- General Education,
- Special Education.

Research shows improved…
- self-regulation,
- organization,
- coping with sensory challenges,
- focus and ability to transition,
- executive functioning.
Learn Online from the Authors
Partnering with educators for 35+ years
Don’t miss our online courses.
Alert Program® Online Course includes…
Low-budget activities,
Practical classroom solutions,
Self-paced, engaging videos for you to learn how
To support your students.
(Leader’s Guide book included.)
Your Best Self Online Course includes…
Easy ways for you to be alert, energized, productive, and balanced,
Lifetime access to watch almost anywhere and almost anytime,
Countless ideas to support your self-care,
As well as improving your ability to observe and support your students (and your family).

Classroom materials for you.
Kid-tested, teacher-approved,
Fun games and songs.
Group and individual options.
Effective and simple tips!
We have excellent books, games, and songs with all kinds of self-regulation solutions!